
The Blessing – God is with you!

folder_openThe Blessing

During the lockdowns of 2020, a special song called “The Blessing” echoed throughout the globe.

Today, as we feel the effects of what’s happening in the world, let’s remember the Bible tells us that God is close to us. So let’s allow this blessing from God to wash over us afresh. (Click here to listen to “The Blessing – Aotearoa/New Zealand”)

“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

God is not absent

God has not turned away from you. His face is turned toward you and He is much nearer than you might realise. In fact, God’s “face” (which is mentioned twice) speaks of His ‘up close and personal’ nearness. In other words, He is right here, right now.

And realise that God’s presence is not passive – He is active and involved. God is here to “keep” you – to hedge you about; to guard and protect you. He is “gracious to you” – He is bending down to you in kindness and favour. He is “giv[ing] you peace” (or Shalom) – this is completeness, wholeness, fullness and wellbeing in all areas of your life.’

It’s no good to say “I don’t deserve this,” because God’s blessing has nothing to do with you! It has everything to do with God’s overflowing grace and His desire to bless. This blessing was how God instructed the priests to bless the Israelite people (Numbers 6:23). Jewish tradition also links this blessing with Leviticus 9:23-24 where it was pronounced in the tabernacle, by the priests, with their hands raised towards the people.

How is it possible?

How is it possible to sing of God’s blessing during hardship and difficulties? It’s important to remember that God’s blessing does not necessarily correlate with our circumstances. God’s blessing is of a whole different character and quality. It’s of God, not of this world, and therefore is based on the resources of heaven.

But first and foremost, it’s because it’s God’s blessing. It comes out of who He is. God’s blessing is infused with His authority and power. It extends from His throne and reaches down to envelop each one of us in His love and nearness.

So no matter what you are currently facing, do not let the enemy rob you through fear, intimidation, chaos or negative thinking.

Know that God’s face is shining on you. He is with you.

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