
Into the new (2) – Joshua 2

folder_openJoshua 1-5

Even before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God affirmed two things. Firstly, that even though they still had issues to resolve, He had prepared the way. And secondly, that His promise of possessing the land would be completely fulfilled. These come together in the intriguing story of the spies who entered Jericho in Joshua chapter 2.

Just as the Israelites stood on the verge of the Promised Land, we are in for an amazing adventure with God over the next few years. Below are some key ideas from Joshua 2 to help us navigate our own journey into the new. (Click here for the previous post on Joshua 1).

Insights from Shittim

Shittim was the final place the Israelites camped under Moses’ leadership and the events of Shittim form an interesting backdrop to the chapter we are looking at today. Shittim was a large tableland on the west side of the Jordan River. It was several kilometers long, with groves of acacia (or shittim) trees. Chapters 21-36 of Numbers record the many significant events that took place there. These include the story of Balak and Balaam, Moses’ final speeches (recorded in the book of Deuteronomy), and installing Joshua as Moses’ successor.

Of most relevance for our story in Joshua was very successful seduction of many Israelite men by Midianite women (see Numbers 25). It was the pagan prophet Balaam who advised the Midianites to do this (Numbers 31:15-16), when he was unable to curse the Israelites himself. Even though God’s anger was eventually turned away and vengeance subsequently taken on the Midianites (see Numbers 31), it seems the hearts of the Israelites were still in the process of being transformed.

Sin, and particularly sexual sin, has a way of getting hold of us like nothing else. It invades our thinking and can turn our hearts, just like it did the Israelites when they first camped at Shittim. But had this turning of their hearts really been dealt with by the time Joshua took over?

Believe in the power of God to transform

Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. “Go, look over the land,” he said, “especially Jericho.” So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.
Joshua 2:1 (NIV)

Notice that even though Joshua instructs the spies to look over the whole land, with a particular focus on Jericho, they make a bee-line for one place only – the house of a prostitute! Very possibly their thinking was that they would make use of the women there, and hopefully extract some information at the same time.

The good news was that God stepped in. It seems He had prepared Rahab in advance. Instead of meeting a pagan prostitute, they met a woman who believed in the power of Israel’s God. She reminded them of who their God was, and also who they were as God’s chosen people. She was even prepared to put her own life on the line in order to keep the Israelite spies safe. That is how certain she was in the power of Israel’s God.

Today God is calling us into the new. And in doing so, He is wanting to step into any “Shittim-like” areas in our own lives. He wants to remind us of who He is, and who we are as His people. To break us free from any sin that keeps tripping us up. He will even bring opportunities (or Rahab’s) across our path in order to free us and move us forward.

So look for your God-encounter and be set free! And if needed, look for a faith-filled Rahab to walk with you through it.

Leaving Shittim behind

As soon as the spies returned with their reassuring report, the Israelites moved on.

Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over.
Joshua 3:1

The encounter with Rahab changed everything. The disaster of Shittim was finally able to be left behind, and Israelites made their final move towards the Promised Land.

Today, let’s take hold of these insights from Joshua chapter 2 for our own journey. God has already prepared the way – even though it might be through unusual means. He is willing and able to break us free from everything that would hold us back. And He is now calling us leave Shittim and move forward together – into the new.


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