
Living as a Christian in today’s world

folder_openBearing God's Name

Living as a child of Almighty God is an amazing privilege! In today’s society, a Christian stands out. And we are supposed to! Our lifestyle is meant to reflect who God is. And therefore it can be quite different to many of those living around us.

There’s an amazing picture in the Old Testament that provides a unique perspective of what it means to live as someone who represents God to those around us. And it concerns the Levitical priests. (Note: ‘Levites’ refers to the whole tribe of Levi, who were set apart for God. ‘Priests’ or ‘Levitical priests’ refers to the descendants of Aaron, the first High Priest. The priests were like the ‘inner circle’ or those who ministered directly to God in the temple.)

One of the main functions of the priests was to teach the rest of the Israelites regarding what things looked like from God’s perspective. In particular, they were to teach the difference between what was holy and what was unholy or corrupt.

And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. 
Ezekiel 44:23 (NKJV)

This difference is what distinguished the Israelites from the nations around them. Israel was to be “holy” or “set apart” (which is what holy means), from the nations around them. If the priests failed to teach the people, then they would lose their distinctiveness and be in danger of becoming just like everyone else. And they would fail in their mission of representing who God was, on earth.

A living example

The way the priests taught the Israelites was not limited to speaking God’s law. The priests were also called to practically live it out in their own lives. They had to be a living example for those around them. So there were things they were allowed to do, and things they were not allowed to do (e.g. Ezekiel 44:15-27). The reason for them to observe these rules of the priesthood was because of the incredibly privileged and unique role and function God had called them to fulfil within the nation.

When we think of the Levitical priests, we often picture them in the temple, making sacrifices, keeping the lamps lit, and going about their priestly duties there. But they were not always in the temple. Do you know where they lived? They were scattered throughout the nation of Israel. In fact, God specifically told all the tribes of Israel that they were to give some of their towns to the Levites for them to live in (Numbers 35:1-8).

So the Levites were a tribe who were scattered among the people. Yet their whole purpose and focus was to be on God, and function as representatives of God, to the people. They came together to serve God in the temple, but lived their lives scattered among the rest of the Israelites, around the nation. In Christian circles, we might describe this as “the church gathered, and the church scattered.” Both are incredibly important.

A living altar

In the Old Testament, when a priest was prepared for duty, they were given a priestly garment to wear. Oil was poured on their head (Exodus 29:7), and the blood of a ram was placed on the right ear, on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot (Leviticus 8:23-24).

The right ear, right thumb and right toe might seem like strange places to be anointed with blood. However, it begins to make sense when we realise that just as the priest’s extremities (ear, thumb and toe) are anointed, so are the horns, or extremities, of the altar of sacrifice (Exodus 29:2; Leviticus 8:15; 9:9). So the priest and the altar receive the same treatment.

In a sense, the priests themselves were a kind of living, breathing, walking “altar.” By being anointed with the blood, both the priest and the altar were purified and set apart. Yet at the same time, as they lived among the rest of the Israelite tribes, God’s perspective on how to live would permeate through the whole of the nation via the lifestyle and example of the priests. They were to actively demonstrate what it was to live a sacrificial lifestyle of dedication to God. And in this way they would “teach” the Israelites what things looked like from God’s perspective. Amazing!

A living sacrifice

And there are many correlations for us today. We, too, have been appointed to showcase our incredible God to those around us (2 Corinthians 5:17-19). We are to live a holy life (1 Thessalonians 4:7; 1 Peter 1:14-16), and be salt and light in our communities (Matthew 5:13-16).

We are also living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). Our whole lives are to be laid on the altar and set apart for God, rather like the Levitical priests.

While we are not Old Testament Levites, we are priests. And we are called to declare who God is to those around us.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

Our calling is great. It is unique. And it is special. Be blessed today as you shine His light at your workplace and in your community this week!

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