
It’s Tent Moving Day (1)

folder_openTent Moving Day

There are several times where God specifically told the Israelites to move their tents. We’re going to look at some of these over the next couple of posts.

In Exodus 14, The Israelite people had just been miraculously freed from slavery and were on their way out of Egypt. They were now camped not far from the Red Sea. But suddenly the Israelites find that Pharaoh has changed his mind and doesn’t want to let them leave. He sends his powerful army to bring them back.

Verse 10 says that when the Israelites looked up and saw the Egyptian army coming, they were so terrified they became rooted to the spot. They were transfixed by the enormity of what they saw coming towards their camp and cried out (actually “shrieked”!) to God for help.

Very often, when something unexpected happens in our lives, we can have the same reaction as the Israelites. Fear, discouragement or hopelessness can crowd in during times of difficulty. Given free reign, things effectively immobilise us. We cry out to God, but don’t actually do anything.

Look at what God has to say in verse 15.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.”
Exodus 14:15 (NIV)

Now was not the time for inaction. It was the time for action. They had to physically do something.

It’s time to move

The word for “move on” essentially means “to pull up your tent pegs and more forward on the journey.” They had to take some intentional and deliberate actions towards the destiny God had for them – even in the face of impending devastation.

In fact, the same word is used when the Israelites first leave Egypt. Exodus 12:37 says “The Israelites journeyed (or they “pulled up their tent pegs” and started on a journey) from Rameses to Succoth”. They had already pulled up the tent pegs of their slavery. Now they had to pull their tent pegs out of Egyptian soil for good. They had to continue the journey they were already on.

Pull up your tent pegs

Today is tent moving day. Pulling up our tent pegs and moving our tents is something each of us has to be willing to do. We cannot stay in the land of an old era when God has called us into the new. Let’s not let fear, intimidation or discouragement tie us down. Let’s make the decision to pull up the tent pegs and move with God, to where He is taking His people. We are in for an exciting journey with Him!

What tent pegs is God asking you to pull up today? Perhaps there are thoughts and attitudes that you know need to be uprooted, in order for you to move forward. Maybe some hopes and dreams that have not come to pass and are anchoring you, and you realise it’s time to pull them up. Or perhaps God is asking you to physically move house or job.

Take time to process what this means for you, and allow God to help you through it.

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