
EASTER (2) – Resurrection to new life

folder_openEaster and Passover

In the previous post, we looked at Jesus’ death on the cross, and explored how this impacts us today. In this post, we continue the story – from death into resurrection life.

Even though Jesus was totally separated from relationship with God in spiritual death, He did not stay that way for long. An amazing thing happened. After 3 days and 3 nights, the mighty power of God raised Jesus to new life – both spiritually and physically. Jesus’ resurrection was not just about being physically raised to life, but He was the first person to be spiritually raised – from spiritual death to new spiritual life.

Resurrection to New Life

But spiritual resurrection did not stop with Jesus. We also share in His resurrection life! As those who have given our lives to follow Jesus in death to self (Matthew 16:24), we have also been raised with Him to a new spiritual life. We are the same people, but we are also radically different.

The change in us is spiritual – deep on the inside (Romans 8:10). We have actually shifted kingdoms, from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light (1 Peter 2:9). This is an important fundamental change at the centre of our being, that will affect everything in our lives, from the way we think about ourselves to how we behave towards others (Colossians 3:9b-10). This is because we have been united with God. The barrier of separation from God disappeared at Jesus’ death on the cross. We have been brought close to Him – not just into His family, but into Him. Now the Holy Spirit, the life of God, is dwelling in us. We share in the resurrection life of Christ (Romans 8:11), and now have new spiritual life.

Resurrection Power

Do you realise the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead, continues to mightily work in each of us today? In fact, the Apostle Paul prayed that we might grasp how phenomenally great the resurrection power of God is (Ephesians 1:19-21). Paul explains that God’s power at work in us is the same power God that raised Jesus from spiritual death and exalted Him as King over all things. Paul uses four different Greek words (power, energy, might and strength – verse 19) to try and describe how immeasurably great God’s power actually is. One word is just not sufficient to do this!

The resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead will eventually transform the whole world and flood it with His glory. That’s how immense God’s power is. But this power is already available for us today. Paul prays for the Holy Spirit to expand our awareness of God’s great power, so we can live confidently. He also wants to clearly show that the Holy Spirit’s power inside us is not something we have in ourselves. It comes from God, and it is founded on our relationship with God Himself. In fact, we have not only been brought into relationship with God, but actually into Him. We are therefore intimately joined to the One in whom the power resides. Because of this, we are “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:31-39). Through God’s power within us, we are able to live godly lives, even while living in a broken world.

Living in Resurrection Life

When Jesus died, He took the punishment for our sin, and connected us to God. Through His resurrection, He raised us up to new spiritual life – into the life of God Himself. We now live in a different Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, and we have a totally new spiritual identity. That is what God’s power has done for us – and it’s amazing! Not only that, but are also closely connected to other believers, as one new family, knitted together by the Holy Spirit’s love and power.

As the Apostle Paul prayed, we really do need a revelation of all that happened to Jesus at His resurrection, so we can understand and appreciate exactly what has happened to us!

In the next post we will look at Jesus’ ascension and what this means for us today. In the meantime, click here for a brand new 6-day Easter devotional based on these posts (also available from the Joy in the Word resources page.)

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