
Are you in transition?


Do you feel like you are in transition? Maybe you are actually in the process of changing your house, your career, or making other decisions regarding your future. Or perhaps you feel like there are transitions happening in your internal world? Perhaps God has been challenging you in some way and there are new ideas to be processed or thought through, and you know you will come out of it in a different space.

Times of transition can often be uncomfortable. We have to face all kinds of adjustments along the way. It often means letting go of the past to take hold of some new things. And it can take a while to find our feet in new, unfamiliar territory.

Now is the time to transition

If you are feeling like you are in some kind of transition, then you are probably right on track with God’s calendar and plan for you. Let me explain.

As Christians, we don’t often take too much notice of the Jewish calendar. While I’m not advocating that we ought to be following their calendar, I do think that having an awareness of it can sometimes provide prophetic insight into God’s heart and His overall plans and purposes.

For instance, the Jewish religious calendar is divided into two halves:

  • The first 6 months centre on the Messiah as suffering servant and Lamb of God. The feasts of Passover and Pentecost fall in these months. Jesus fulfilled all aspects of these feasts at his death, resurrection, ascension, and at the coming of the Holy Spirit.
  • The second 6 months begins with Rosh Hashanah (New Year). The whole view of the Messiah changes. He is seen as conquering Lord, Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the son of David. The feast of Tabernacles falls in this second half. The focus is on the victory Jesus gained as a result of His death, resurrection and ascension.

Both of these aspects are equally important and intertwined. You cannot have one without the other. The Feasts of the Lord that are included in the Jewish calendar, ensure that both aspects of suffering and victory are appreciated and celebrated every year. And that’s why it’s good for us to have an awareness of these things too.

Where are we now?

Right now (early September 2022), we are in the final month of the first 6 month period mentioned above. It’s the month of Elul. There are some really interesting things associated with Elul in scripture – and they are all associated with transition. Elul is traditionally a time of taking stock of where things stand, and where we are going, and making the turn towards overcoming and victory.

So let’s take a look at some of the things that happened in the Bible during the month of Elul. Perhaps you might identify with some of them?


On the 1st day of Elul, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Haggai saying that it was time to rebuild the temple (Haggai 1:4). The people had encountered tremendous opposition when they first began to rebuild. But Haggai tells them to take stock of what is really happening. He repeatedly says, “give careful thought to your ways.” Things needed to change. God was wanting to refocus them on His priorities. And that had to begin with rebuilding the temple.


On the 5th day of Elul God showed the prophet Ezekiel a vision of abominations and idolatry that had been done in secret in the temple (Ezekiel 8). God always sees what no-one else sees. When He brings these things to our attention, it is so we can make the decision to turn away from sin and transition back to Him. If God is bringing something to the fore in your life, deal with it before Him and make the needed transition back to God’s way.


They completed rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem on the 25th of Elul. This final completion of the wall marked a change in the attitude of Israel’s enemies (Nehemiah 6:15-16). Previously the enemies had been in blatant opposition – implementing schemes and lies, trying to frighten them, falsely prophesying, and trying to intimidate them (see Nehemiah 6:1-14). Now it is the enemies who become afraid and lose their self-confidence (verse 16). The completion of the wall brought about an amazing transition into victory. And everything changed.


It was during the 6th month (Elul) that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary (Luke 1:26). Her whole life changed when God’s messenger showed up to say she would have a child. What a transition she had to go through to grasp hold of God’s new plan for her life!

Your transition

Perhaps you are at a point of taking stock of where you are at (Haggai); dealing with something that God has been tapping you on the shoulder about (Ezekiel); completing something that will bring victory (Nehemiah); or God has given you a word of transition that is about to move you into something new and significant (Mary).

Whatever transition you are in, be encouraged. You are right on track with God’s calendar. Lean into Him and you will find He will walk closely with you through it.

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