
Be “You”


We can often think it takes someone special to be used by God, and we therefore discount ourselves because we don’t tend to see ourselves as very special. But the most important person you can be is you! It doesn’t matter whether you are a housewife or a bank manager; a truck driver or a pastor. No-one is discounted, unqualified or unable to significantly impact the lives of those around them – simply by being who God created them to be.

While we may think we are just going about our ordinary daily lives, God is the One who places us where we need to be, when we need to be there. And today I want to highlight a few people in the Bible who impacted their world, just by being who God created them to be.

The destitute widow

In 1 Kings 17 we find a widow gathering wood for a fire. She is a Gentile, from the town of Zarephath. When an Israelite man asks her for some water, she willingly obliges. But when he asks for some bread, she reveals she is destitute, and that she and her son are about to eat the last of their food. Yet unbeknown to her, God had placed her in the right place, at the right time (1 Kings 17:9). Her willingness opened the way for God’s provision – not just for her and her son, but also for the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:15-16).

The nameless slave girl

In 2 Kings 5 is the story of nameless slave girl from Israel. She had been captured in a raid by the neighbouring Arameans. Even though a slave and living in a pagan household, when she found that her mistress’ husband had a skin disease, she spoke hope into their situation.

Skin diseases were often viewed as a judgment by the gods. Yet she spoke of a greater God, and of the Israelite prophet who could heal him. She did not allow her circumstance as a slave to stop her from being exactly who she was. Nor did she allow prejudice against her pagan captors to take precedence. As a result of her words, Naaman, the captain of the Aramean army visited the Israelite prophet and was totally healed.

The potter

Just like any other day, the man who made pots for a living sat at his wheel working. He probably did not know that the person who observed him that particular day was a prophet from God, or that he had been directed by God to watch him working. God had a message for His people, and he was about to speak to the prophet.

To the potter, it was an ordinary day, like every other day. He was just going about his work, like he always did. But God saw him working, and had picked him out to be the means of bringing a message to the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 18:1-6).

The business woman

Lydia was a wealthy businesswoman who lived in Philippi. One day as she was down by the river with some other women, she heard someone speaking about Jesus. She readily accepted the gospel message and subsequently invited Paul and those with him to come and stay in her home (Acts 16:13-15). In fact, Lydia’s house became a central meeting place for those first believers in Philippi (Acts 16:40). This is how the church in Philippi began – the church to which Paul later wrote Philippians.

Be “you”

None of these people did anything out of the ordinary. They spoke some words, got some water, went about their work and opened their home. They were simply open-handed with what they had. And they did what was within their ability to do. That’s all. It didn’t matter what their status, financial state or resources. What mattered was their attitude.

You are the only one that can be you. So be “you” today. Don’t allow circumstances or lack of resources to deprive you of God’s best. And let God place you where you need to be, when you need to be there – to impact your world, just by being all that God created you to be.

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