

Passover – a time of rededication and cleansing

It was no accident that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection occurred during the Jewish feast of Passover. In fact, every instance where Passover is celebrated in Scripture is incredibly significant.…

Passover – a Time of Freedom and Transformation

Passover is a 7-day celebration commemorating the exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt long ago. However, this is not the only time Passover is recorded in Scripture.…

Choose the Lamb

This week the Jews will be celebrating the Feast of Passover. At this is very significant event they remember their Exodus from slavery in Egypt so long ago. But did…

PEACE – The good news of the Kingdom

It is always exciting when people make special announcements, such as an engagement or that they have a new baby on the way. But when God announces something big, He…
Christmas star

Be Refreshed – repost

Are you feeling weary and somewhat exhausted as the end of the year approaches? Many of us are. Below is a repost from earlier this year that is just as…

The “now” revelation of God

God’s word is incredibly powerful! I don’t think we really have any understanding as to exactly how potent God’s word is. When God initially spoke, all things were created (Genesis…

Closeness with God

I was recently reminded that finding intimacy in our relationship with God is about BEING not just DOING. It can be so easy for us to view spending time with…

Into the New

We have recently celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus, which happened at Passover. But let’s not stop there. There’s so much more to come! God is moving us into…

EASTER (2) – Resurrection to new life

In the previous post, we looked at Jesus’ death on the cross, and explored how this impacts us today. In this post, we continue the story – from death into…

EASTER (1) – The Cross

From the time Adam and Eve refused to accept God’s rulership and ate the fruit of the wrong tree, the whole of humanity has been under the power of sin.…