

Be Refreshed

The last couple of years have been incredibly tiring, haven’t they? They have sucked our energy, and it would be great if we could just take a break and recover.…

How God Guides

Are you wondering what God has for you and unsure exactly what your next move ought to be? Sometimes we are waiting for a clear word from God, a strong sense…

Kingdom strategies

How many of us try and work things out for ourselves? I’m one of those who likes to plan ahead. To know what I need to do and have “all…

A World in Transition

You and I are amazingly privileged. We are alive to witness one of the most amazing transitions in the history of the church. It’s the transition into a new era.…

Are you in transition?

Do you feel like you are in transition? Maybe you are actually in the process of changing your house, your career, or making other decisions regarding your future. Or perhaps…

It’s Tent Moving Day (3)

As Christians, we are called to be continually on the move. Jesus invites us to follow Him, learning and growing in our relationship with Him, constantly being transformed and changed…

It’s Tent Moving Day (2)

There are several times in the Old Testament where God specifically told the Israelites to move their tents. One of the most significant times was at Mt Sinai. When the…

It’s Tent Moving Day (1)

There are several times where God specifically told the Israelites to move their tents. We’re going to look at some of these over the next couple of posts. In Exodus…

Living as a Christian in today’s world

Living as a child of Almighty God is an amazing privilege! In today’s society, a Christian stands out. And we are supposed to! Our lifestyle is meant to reflect who…

It’s time to (re)build

I don’t know about you, but after a time of continued disruption over the past couple of years, it’s a relief to feel like a page has recently been turned,…