

What is God doing?

We are living in a truly amazing time in human history. There are shifts happening around the world and in every sphere of society, and we seem to be moving…

It’s time to get out of the boat

Have you ever read the story of Peter getting out of the boat and walking on the water, and wondered what it must have been like? How difficult was it…

Encountering God

Are you feeling a little depleted at the moment? If you are, then you are not alone. Many people seem to be feeling worn out by the events of the…

God is reshaping you – Jeremiah 18:1-6

I’m not sure that many of us particularly like change. We rather prefer to be comfortable and uninterrupted! But change can be exciting as new things unfold. And right now,…

Do you need to change your clothes?

Did you know that what we wear is important to God? We see this even from the very beginning of the Bible. When Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to…

Has Your Tent Moved? – Numbers 1 and 2

The book of Exodus records God’s extraordinary intervention in the lives of the Israelite people. It tells of the Israelites’ dramatic departure from Egypt, the land where they grew up;…

Caleb – The story behind the story

The story behind the story of Caleb is one of personal trial and national redemption. It includes one of soul-destroying disappointment followed by overwhelming triumph. And Caleb’s legacy impacts those…

The Lord’s Prayer – Matthew 6:9-10

Most of us know the Lord’s Prayer by heart and can easily recite it. But have you ever stopped to really think about the depth of meaning in the words…