

Focus on the Rock – Daniel 2

It’s so easy to get caught up in the disasters, tragedies, divisions and anxiety going on across the globe today. But what does God’s Word have to say about what…

The Blessing – God is with you!

During the lockdowns of 2020, a special song called “The Blessing” echoed throughout the globe. Today, as we feel the effects of what’s happening in the world, let’s remember the…

Bearing God’s Name (2)

Exodus 19 has to be one of my favourite Old Testament chapters. The reason I like it so much is what it reveals about our God and what He is…

Bearing God’s Name (1)

I wonder what the disciples expected to see when Philip said to Jesus “Show us the Father” (John 14:8)? Or what Moses expected when he said to God “Show me…

The “now” revelation of God

God’s word is incredibly powerful! I don’t think we really have any understanding as to exactly how potent God’s word is. When God initially spoke, all things were created (Genesis…

Standing on Peace (2): Ephesians 6:15

In the previous post we saw the Israelites were in a place of poverty and oppression, which came through their own compromise and disobedience to God. Yet God miraculously intervenes…

Standing on Peace (1): Gideon – Judges 6

Throughout the book of Judges we find God intervening in miraculous ways to bring deliverance to the Israelite people who are being oppressed in all kinds of circumstances. Gideon is…

Easter and Passover (2)

It was no accident that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection occurred during the Jewish feast of Passover. In fact, every instance where Passover is celebrated in Scripture is incredibly significant…

Easter and Passover (1)

What does Easter mean to you? At Easter we celebrate the vastness of God’s plan of salvation and deliverance that came together at Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. It’s no…