
Closeness with God

folder_openEncountering God

I was recently reminded that finding intimacy in our relationship with God is about BEING not just DOING. It can be so easy for us to view spending time with God as a task or as something we religiously must do in order to be “on God’s good side” so to speak. We can think “I must set aside x amount of time in order to be close to God.” But this is a transactional way of thinking – “If I do this, I will get that.”

Our journey with God should never be based on any kind of transaction. We cannot do a single thing to make Him love us more than He already does. He cannot be any closer to us than He already is.

I’m certainly not negating the absolute value and need to set time aside, eliminate distractions, etc. We DO need to do this for our benefit. At the same time, we need to realise the transactional nature of the way we have been brought up to think.

Here is what God says to the people of Judah:

“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV, emphasis mine)

Jeremiah 29:13 reveals that closeness with God is not so much about DOING, but BEING. It’s a continual and intentional positioning of our HEART towards Him, no matter what we are DOING.

So how are you intentionally positioning your heart towards Him today?

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