
Psalm 32 (2) – Knowing what to do

folder_openPsalm 32

“What does God want me to do?” I know I’ve prayed this and I’m sure you have too. There are times when God answers and shows us clearly the path we are to take; but more often than not, the way forward is not so clear.

Psalm 32:8 provides tremendous assurance that God is still providing guidance for us, even if it may not seem like it.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with My eye.
Psalm 32:8 (NKJV)

In essence, God says: I will provide you with wisdom (instruct you). I will point out the direction you are to move (teach you). I will advise you along the way (guide you).

God will instruct, teach and guide

What I find interesting is that the words “instruct,” “teach” and “guide” are words that suggest God has more interest in growing our depth of understanding and insight, rather than simply giving us directions to obey. And personally I love this about the heart of God – that He cares enough to grow us into all that we can be.

But sometimes we want God to give us specific instructions or steps for us to take. We get frustrated with God’s seeming silence when we REALLY need to know what to do.

Years ago I was about to make a life-changing decision and was desperately seeking God for an answer. But heaven was completely silent. I felt so frustrated! When I finally sat down in utter despair, I felt God’s still small voice say, “What would YOU like to do?” It actually floored me because I had never thought about what I wanted – I just wanted to hear what God wanted! I felt that He had already put the answer within me. It was almost like He was saying that because I had fully surrendered this decision to Him, my way was actually His way. I just didn’t realise it. That led me to a period of discerning and uncovering what was really in my heart.

Having understanding

Here’s the thing. God has not created us to be led around by Him, like a dumb animal who has no insight or discernment. His plans for us are so much greater!

Do not be like the horse or like the mule,
Which have no understanding,
Which must be harnessed with bit and bridle,
Else they will not come near you.
Psalm 32:9 (NKJV)

Verse 9 suggests that rather than just following along with no understanding, God wants us to grow in our ability to understand His ways, and to develop depth of wisdom and insight.

The idea behind the Hebrew word for “understanding” in verse 9 means to “build.” Before we actually build something we need to think about how we were going to build it and what materials we will need. To “understand” therefore means that we are able to discern the processes involved in building something.

In other words, God wants us to have the ability to judge what we are to do, with perception and insight. He wants us to have understanding.

Yet this doesn’t negate having faith or being obedient when we don’t see what’s ahead. In fact, in this instance the insight is that we have full understanding that this IS a step of faith or obedience. We’ve weighed up the options, and know that faith and obedience is what is required. So “understanding” isn’t about knowing everything – it’s about knowing what is really necessary in any particular instance.

Growing in understanding

I find it amazing that God would love and care for us so much that He wants to invite us into grasping something of His wisdom and insight. And that He is so interested in growing our understanding that He will personally take the time to instruct, teach and guide us in the way we should go (verse 8). This reminds me of Paul’s prayer for the believers in Ephesus:

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
Ephesians 1:17 (NKJV)

So the next time you are tempted to be frustrated because God isn’t providing the answers you need, it could be helpful to ask God if there’s some area He wants you to grow in. It may be there’s something you need to let go of first. Or it could be an area of faith that He would like to develop in you. Whatever it is, know that it comes from God’s loving heart. He longs for each one of us to be fully mature and grow into all that we can be.

(See the previous post for Psalm 32:1-7)

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