
Psalm 63 (2) – Choosing God in the desert

folder_openPsalm 63

Psalm 63:3-11

In the previous post (Psalm 63:1-2) we found David in the midst of a very difficult circumstance – (see 2 Sam 15:1-15 for the background story). He has fled out into the desert and is feeling dry and arid, just like the wilderness around him. Yet at the same time, he is somehow able to grasp hold of God. David understands that only God is able to provide what he is needing:

Because your love is better than life,
  my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
  and in your name I will lift up my hands.
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
  with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
On my bed I remember you;
  I think of you through the watches of the night.
Psalm 63:3-6

David hasn’t just grasped something of God’s power and glory (verse 2), but he has also personally experienced the power of the love of God (verse 3). He says “Your love is better than life.” David sees that while life is precious, God’s love (or loving-kindness) is even more precious, and this is what he is longing for. Encountering God’s love causes him to respond in several different ways. He says “I will” glorify, praise, lift up my hands, be satisfied, sing, praise, remember and think about God.

Have you ever woken in the night worrying about things? David didn’t allow himself to do this. In verse 6 he says that rather than think about his problems and worries, he will remember God and think of Him throughout the night.

Choosing God’s help

Notice that David hasn’t even got around to asking for God’s help yet. His focus is totally on God, not his problems. And as he focuses on God, all he can do is praise! How does David’s response speak to you, in your situation? So often the biggest thing in our minds is our problem, and that tends to block everything else out. For David, Creator God took centre stage.

Because you are my help,
  I sing in the shadow of your wings.
I cling to you;
  your right hand upholds me.
Those who want to kill me will be destroyed;
  they will go down to the depths of the earth.
They will be given over to the sword
  and become food for jackals.
Psalm 63:7-10

Notice that David doesn’t ask God for help. He expects God’s help! He also expects God’s blessing to be there in the midst of the difficulties; the right hand is the hand of blessing. David recognizes that he is safe in the shadow of God’s wings.

Choosing dependence

Did you realize that being in the shadow of God’s wings is actually a choice we need to make? God’s protection and love is always available, but it’s our choice as to whether we avail ourselves of it. David made a deliberate choice to position himself in God’s care.

Not only does David say that God’s help provides shelter for him, God’s help also judges those who oppose God (verses 9-10). 2 Samuel 18 describes the sad fate of Absolom. His army is overwhelmingly defeated, and Absolom is killed by Joab who is the captain of David’s army.

Choosing to rejoice

The final verse summarises three responses from those who are confronted with God’s power and glory (as in verse 2).

But the king will rejoice in God;
  all who swear by God will glory in him,
  while the mouths of liars will be silenced.
Psalm 63:11

Firstly, the king (ie. David himself) will “rejoice in God.” Notice that David now calls himself the king. We saw in the story of Absolom in 2 Samuel 15 that at first David wasn’t sure if the ascension of Absolom to the throne was ordained by God or not. Now it is clear to him that it was not. David is indeed the rightful king.

Secondly, everyone who aligns themselves with God will praise God. Praising God means to delight or rejoice, or be deeply thankful in their expression of praise to God. This is David’s experience throughout the psalm.

Thirdly, liars will not be able to say anything. They won’t be able to speak when they encounter God.

When viewed in context with the whole psalm, these things are only possible because of our dependence on Creator God. David made a deliberate choice to focus on Him and place himself in the shelter of God’s wings. What deliberate choice do you need to make in your own circumstance?

In what other ways has this psalm spoken to you?

If you want to dig a bit deeper, check out the study guide for this Psalm on the Resources page.

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