

What it means to follow Jesus – Luke 9:57-58

The Gospel of Luke portrays discipleship in a really interesting way. Starting from Luke 9:51, Jesus and his disciples embark on a journey from Galilee in the north to Jerusalem…

Willing to follow – Luke 18:18-25

Have you ever thought that Jesus makes incredibly high demands of those who want to follow Him? There’s an interesting story in Luke 18 where a very respectable and upright…

Facing the Cost – Luke 10:38-42

Isn’t it so easy to be shaped by the “me first” culture of today? In our previous post we saw that Martha’s world seems to be primarily framed by the…

Resetting Priorities – Luke 10:38-42

There’s a lot happening in a powerful little story that Luke includes in his Gospel. Jesus is travelling with his disciples, and they are invited into the home of Martha…

Out of the Comfort Zone – Luke 9:51-56

If we follow the story of Luke’s Gospel, up until now the disciples have been in their “home territory” of Galilee. They are reasonably comfortable here. They know the towns…