
promised land

Follow the King!

Over the last few years we’ve become aware that this is a new era for the Church. But what does this mean, and how do we recognise what God is…

Into the new (6) – Joshua 5

We are living in incredible times. What a privilege to be part of Christ’s body as we all move forward into the new! And even as we move forward, there…

Into the new (3) – Joshua 3

Joshua chapter 3 marks radical and dramatic changes for the Israelite people. They not only begin the biggest adventure of their lives under a new leader, but God also gives…

Into the new (2) – Joshua 2

Even before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God affirmed two things. Firstly, that even though they still had issues to resolve, He had prepared the way. And secondly, that…

Into the new (1) – Joshua 1

The Old Testament books of Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy record amazing events that took place as the Israelites left Egypt, were formed into the people of God at Mt Sinai,…

Caleb – The story behind the story

The story behind the story of Caleb is one of personal trial and national redemption. It includes one of soul-destroying disappointment followed by overwhelming triumph. And Caleb’s legacy impacts those…